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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ethan talks in his sleep :)

A few days ago, Ethan was taking a nap on the couch.  He talks in his sleep pretty regularly, so I get a kick out of listening for it.  This one was really cute.  We just got a Wii and he likes to play with it as much as Wesley and I do.  I guess he was dreaming about it, because he suddenly said, totally asleep, "No!  Press that 'A' button!"  I told him that I had pressed it for him, and he said, "you did?" and that was the end of the conversation.  It's cool when he talks in his sleep because you can talk back and he will answer questions!  I'll have to keep blogging about those so I don't forget someday.  I never want to forget these days.  :)  He also walks in his sleep.  One time, Wesley saw him get out of bed, still asleep, and walk to his dresser.  The dresser tried to stop him, but his feet just kept moving, as if he had no idea he wasn't going anywhere.  We are definitely utilizing the baby gate these days so he doesn't do anything dangerous in his sleep!  It's cute but kind of scary.


  1. That's kinda scary like the ambien sleep driving stories (that's a truly scary drug, I've had to work with some patients), hope he outgrows that soon.

  2. I hope he grows out of the sleep walking also that is scary, I used to sleep talk I would wake myself up talking lol I wonder if I still do.

  3. His oma used to talk to u in her sleep too!! He is so precious! I remember last week when he spent the night w me n we had played hide n week a lit before bed he was asleep telling somebody "u hide n ill count...1,2,pree". It was precious. I told him I would go hide n he nodded his little head n said "oh oma". Then right back to sleepy time. Omg he is amazing!!!

  4. Opa says velcro is a wonderful thing! They have a funny guy thing goin!!! Silly boys!!

  5. Awww!!! I love that story! So glad you put it up on here. LOL on the velcro.
